What is No Home Movies?

No Home Movies is a repertory film club with a global perspective made by cinephiles for cinephiles.
It is a club conceived by a genuine desire to share film culture within a framework that privileges images that are not part of dominant film consumption. From this perspective the name of the club itself has manifold meanings that express our ambitions as it follows.

No Home Movies at Bubblan is where we watch cinema together leaving our comfortable homes behind. We experience cinema collectively and we refuse to submit to the dictatorship of the algorithm which has occupied our imagination and the way we relate to moving images. Similarly to those venues and streaming platforms that value curation made by human beings, No Home Movies seek to work on a curated program with a film-historical awareness.

No Home Movies may also be the place to see the movies that have no home but can find a home here at Bubblan. These are the films that are not included in the Internet’s mythological ether where everything is allegedly available but where, in reality, film history is being dumped, closed behind paywalls or hidden in vaults of convoluted IP rights. Bubblan’s films are also those films that are not likely to be picked and screened at existing venues because of their lack of distribution and economic difficulties.

Last but not least, No Home Movies is also a homage to the cinema of Chantal Akerman since the club borrows its name from the great director’s final film No Home Movie (2017). For Akerman that title had, of course, many complex meanings that may depart from the club’s own definitions above. However, it is the audacity and uniqueness of Akerman’s aesthetics across all of her oeuvre that function as a beacon of how the film club’s program will be curated.

Fiction, documentary, experimental, short or (very) long films, No Home Movies won’t privilege one form over another. No Home Movies aims to select films from all over the world, with unique voices and that have not surrendered to such bloated words like “plot”, “narrative” or the holy grail of them all: “content”.

Why subscribe?

By subscribing you will receive news and dates of upcoming screenings sent directly to your inbox.

Each edition of the newsletter will contain short original writings about the next screening and will also highlight an array of the best writings and podcasts.


By subscribing to the newsletter you will be kept informed on the film club’s program but in order to join the screenings is necessary to become a member of the club. No Home Movies is part of Kulturföreningen KUF.

Follow instructions in the newsletter and fill in the form to book a seat for the screenings, first come first served.

How to find Bubblan?

Fiskhamnsgatan 41B, Göteborg

Subscribe to No Home Movies

News and program from Kulturföreningen KUF's own film club at Bubblan.


Programmer at No Home Movies and member in the culture association KUF